Promotional Gifts

Promotional Gifts

Brand power through promotional gifts.

What we do

Promotional products have been a popular choice for building brand recognition during marketing campaigns for many years and with our help we can make this work for you. With a huge knowledge and an array of promotional products we can work with you to not only raise your company’s brand awareness, but increase recognition, stimulate leads and increase sales.

How we do it

Now that advertising on the internet provides such great detail on tracking the results of advertising, it is important to show that promotional products and branded gifts have a positive effect on your brand and sales.

A study conducted by the BMPA shows conclusive evidence of a direct correlation between promotional merchandise and an increase in sales and brand awareness.

  • > 76% keep a promotional item they are given.
  • > 73% of those surveyed will go on to purchase from the company that gave them the promotional gift.
  • > 83% say they can name the brand of the promotional item without looking at it.
  • > 96% of people believe branded merchandise increases company brand awareness.
  • > The top 5 promotional products on people’s desks right now – pen, mug, sticky notes,
  • > notebook, calendar.

What this means to you

In whatever way you decide to use promotional products in your advertising campaign, it will not only increase brand awareness, but more importantly the likelihood is that your recipient will purchase goods or services from your company. What’s more, promotional products are being kept by the recipients for longer and they can often name the brand or company name on the promotional products that they keep and use on a daily basis.

Can you really afford to miss out?

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